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Welcome, beloved. I was visiting the chamber of sexual sin where there was many departments.




Then we moved to a place that looked like a concrete of fire, where demons were throwing people. It was like a bed of fire where people were burning, for they were in prostitution in their lives. They are laid on this concrete of fire because they used to lay on the bed of prostitution. This was their torment, they would lay on this concrete of fire.


As we were there, I heard a young lady saying, “Lord, my mother and father were pastors, please get me out of here.”


Immediately we moved towards the lady.


And the Lord asked her, “My daughter, is this place really the portion you have chosen over Me?”


She replied, “Lord, I wish I had listened to my parents. My father and mother talked to me and warned me about hell. I was hearing about this from my parents all the time. I was not ignorant about it. But I did not expect to this place to be so horrible. I failed to listen to my parents when she warned me. I was influenced by my friend in university and we used to go out to prostitute ourselves and sleep with men. We were sleeping with our teacher in university to get marks and to pass, and we were going to bars and night clubs to sleep with men for money. Through prostitution, I dishonored my parents who were respected in our city. It was shame. They used to say to me, ‘Daughter, with your lifestyle of sin that you lead in university, if you continue to harden your heart refusing to repent, you are running a grave danger, for there is a place called hell or place of torment,’ but I ignored their warning. I could not understand the gravity of this place and I continued with my lifestyle of prostitution. One day I went out to bars and nightclubs with a man to have fun. It was when we were coming back to the university that we had an accident and I fell here.”


The Lord looked at this lady and cried.


The Lord said, “My daughter, you had time and opportunity to repent in the land. But why have you squandered your life and opportunity? Now look at where you have fallen. It is too late.”


In this place, I saw a world celebrity that were living in prostitution. And I saw people of all races and all nation.




I saw many Popes of ancient times in this place and I was stunned. They were cast on this bed of fire and they were in torment.


I said, “Lord, Popes are being tormented in this place.”


The Lord said, “They have an appearance of piety but denying its power.” (2 Tim 3:5)


The Lord said, “These priests are a bunch of hypocrites. Mny of them pretend that they have no children, but they have children and their girlfriends are the sisters of convents. They said to themselves and to sisters in the convents, “If we sleep with sisters of the convents, it’s not an issue for we are saints and they are also saints. It’s between us.””


The popes that I saw here were from century ago before I was born. They all slept with sisters of convents and they had children for they considered that the sisters were saints like them. They pretended to live in holiness yet they slept with sisters. They gave the sisters money and they had children with them. This was prostitution.


In this place I saw pastors and these pastors were severely tortured. Demons put something that looked like a Bible on their chests. It was not a real Bible, but metal Bible heated at high temperature that they pressed on their chests. Demons told these leaders who came here because of immorality, “You knew the Bible very well. Show us your knowledge.”


This concrete of fire was a bed of prostitution, I could not see its beginning and its end and they were countless souls that were trapped in this concrete of fire. We finally flew over the concrete of fire.


Then I saw a river of lava and beneath the river of lava I saw countless souls that were held captives and chains. They were down beneath the river of lava




Above the river of fire, I saw TV sets, phones, tablets and all kinds of electronic apparatus.


The Lord said, “These souls were attached to pornographic movies. They were watching pornography on TVs, phones, tablets and all these electronic devices, which was shouting “Justice” above the river.”


These apparatus were condemning them. These phones that they were using may have broken down, but in hell it will shout justice for they are the ones who have stained these devices.


I saw TVs and phones floating and reclaiming justice. The more these apparatus were claiming justice, the more these huge chains were binding these souls that were dammed. I saw that these chains were rising higher to the surface.


The Lord said, “This chains were rising to Earth. When those who watch pornography die in their sin, this chain would bind them on the neck pulling them beneath the sea of lava.”


Brother, I always feel pain when people in funerals say to their loved one, “Rest in peace,” for many are not going to the place of peace and rest.


When the rich man died, the Bible says his soul went to the place of torment and the majority of the dead are going to the place of torment, but people keep saying, “May your soul rest in peace.”


I saw people confessing and demanding mercy in the place of torment, but it was too late for them. They were millions of souls in the lava and in chains because of pornography. They were stuck in the depth of lava. They could not even float above the sea.


They were deep down and we descended, I saw that these chains were bigger than humans. These chains were suffocating them tightly.




I saw a place that was a huge pit and inside that pit, there were people and they were in the flames.

They were like dizzy, running in all directions, seeking escape from the fire and they were crying.


I saw that these people were holding their private parts. Actually, I saw that snakes were coming out of their private parts. These snakes were moving all over their bodies entering their eyes moving to the belly and coming out in their sexual part. I saw all kinds of demons above the pit and they were mocking and laughing at these lost souls.


Jesus said, “These are women who had sex with women. They are lesbians. These men here are the ones that were in sodomy and homosexuality. Their fingers and sex organs were replaced with snakes.”


Among these people, I saw a national politician. This politician was entering in homosexual relationship with men that were working in his cabinet. In order to work in his government department you must accept to sleep with him. I saw that his genital organ has turned to a snake that was biting him.


I saw another politician who was killed by the president. He was an opponent and he was hanged and executed because he opposed the dictatorial regime of the late President Mobutu but he was also in homosexuality when he died in that political execution.


To my surprise, brother, I saw the former President Mobutu himself in this place of lesbians and homosexuals. Our late President Mobutu was a man who behaved like a king in the country. This man caused chaos in the country. He liked glory and authority because he thought he was god. I saw that the former president was tormented by men who were here.


These men said to him, “You are the one who brought us here and we are lost because of you.”


I saw that these men were biting the late president in his genital part, accusing him of being the cause of their torment.


I said, “Lord, even our president is in this place of homosexuals and lesbians.”


The Lord said, “This was the lifestyle he chose when he was on the earth. He was sleeping with women and men. All the men he slept with are here.”


They were assembled before him and they were accusing him and they were biting his private part.


I saw that in hell that was what is called place of entertainment. Brother, if you had killed a man and caused a woman to fall in hell, you will be brought to the place of entertainment so that the people you brought to hell can torture you. Anyone who came to hell because of you will torture you in hell because you are the reason for which he fell in hell.




Then we left the place of lesbians and homosexuals. As we were moving. I saw a huge pit with countless babies. They were crying and saying, “Mommy, why did you stop my life? Why did you not allow me to live? Oh Lord, may justice be done.”


I saw that there was no fire here. I was stunned to see so many babies in hell. This is really horrendous.


The Lord said, “These are aborted children. When their parents die, they will receive their justice.” I said, “Lord, but there are countries that authorize abortion.”

The Lord said, “The devil knows that it would not be easy to convince the majority to accept abortion. That is why he has entered the political system to make it a law and they legalized sin that is supposed to lead people to hell.”


Then I saw a woman who was burning in the fire.


She said, “Lord have mercy. Get me out of here.”


She said to Jesus, “My husband was working in a good place. Then he lost his job and we began to suffer poverty. One day he said to me, ‘Darling, since we are in financial difficulty, we should not have more children. We have to prevent unwanted pregnancy for we will not be able to finance their studies.’ Not long after that decision, I got pregnant by accident and he got angry. He forced me to abort the pregnancy. I went on to abort and everything went well. However, many months later, I got pregnant again for the second time and I aborted. It is when I got pregnant for the fourth time that I got into trouble and I died during abortion process. I died because of his decision. He forced me. He is left in the world with the children but I am dead and I am suffering because of his decision.”


The Lord said, “No one is responsible for someone else’s action.”


The Lord said, “Who are these babies that are tormenting you?”


She said, “These are the four babies I aborted in the world.”


[The real aborted babies go to heaven to be with Jesus. The aborted babies in hell are projections of the condemned conscience to torment such women eterrnally for committing those abortions.]




I saw that all these women that have aborted, their wombs were rotting. When I was watching them, I saw above us huge condom with sperm that were rotten and have become acid. And inside these condoms were men who were using condom to prevent pregnancies. They were killing children because of condom and they were burned by this acid inside the condoms that was shouting “Justice!”


Then I saw a man inside this condom. He had agreed with his wife to leave a space of two years between children and he was using condoms in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. He felt to hell because he wasted his sperm by using condoms since he did not know how to calculate menstrual period in time.


This chamber of hell was massive and there were those who had sex before marriage, those who had sex in their dreams, those who had sex in their minds and thoughts, those who had sex with their eyes and those who were in prostitution. There were those who aborted. I saw those who fell in this chamber because they were using condoms to prevent pregnancy.


Then the Lord said, “It is almost dawn on the earth. We have to leave this chamber.”


As we were leaving this chamber of sexual sins, I saw a man that was dragged inside this chamber by demons.


He kept saying, “Release me. Leave me alone.”


I saw that his genital organ was disproportionate and it was rotting and there were worms coming out.


I said, “Lord, what is wrong with this man?”


The Lord said, “He is in the habit of introducing his finger in the genital organ of little girls and this is his punishment.”


Then we left the chamber of sexual sin and when I woke up, I saw that it was 7 am.









Welcome, beloved. I was visiting the chamber of sexual sin where there were many departments. PROSTITUTES IN HELL

Then we moved to a place that looked like a concrete bed of fire, where demons were throwing people. It was like a bed of fire where people were burning, for they were in prostitution in their lives. They are laid on this concrete bed of fire because they used to lay on the bed of prostitution. This was their torment, they would lay on this concrete bed of fire.


As we were there, I heard a young lady saying, “Lord, my mother and father were pastors, please get me out of here.”


Immediately we moved towards the lady.


And the Lord asked her, “My daughter, is this place really the portion you have chosen over Me?”


She replied, “Lord, I wished I had listened to my parents. My father and mother talked to me and warned me about hell. I was hearing about this from my parents all the time. I was not ignorant about it. But I did not expect this place to be so horrible. I failed to listen to my parents when they warned me. I was influenced by my friend in university and we used to go out to prostitute ourselves and sleep with men. We were sleeping with our teacher in university to get marks and to pass, and we were going to bars and night clubs to sleep with men for money. Through prostitution, I dishonored my parents who were respected in our city. It was a shame. They used to say to me, ‘Daughter, with your lifestyle of sin that you lead in university, if you continue to harden your heart


refusing to repent, you are running a grave danger, for there is a place called hell or place of torment,’ but I ignored their warning. I could not understand the gravity of this place and I continued with my lifestyle of prostitution. One day I went out to bars and nightclubs with a man to have fun. It was when we were coming back to the university that we had an accident and I fell here.”


The Lord looked at this lady and cried.


The Lord said, “My daughter, you had the time and opportunity to repent in the land. But why have you squandered your life and opportunity? Now, look at where you have fallen. It is too late.”


In this place, I saw a world celebrity that was living in prostitution. And I saw people of all races and all nationalities.




I saw many Popes of ancient times in this place and I was stunned. They were cast on this bed of fire and they were in torment.


I said, “Lord, Popes are being tormented in this place.”


The Lord said, “They have an appearance of piety but denying its power.” (2 Tim 3:5)


The Lord said, “These priests are a bunch of hypocrites. Many of them pretended that they have no children, but they have children and their girlfriends are the sisters of convents. They said to themselves and to sisters in the convents, “If we sleep with sisters of the convents, it’s not an issue for we are saints and they are also saints. It’s between us.””


The popes that I saw here were from a century ago before I was born. They all slept with sisters of convents and they had children for they considered that the sisters were saints like them. They pretended to live in holiness yet they slept with sisters. They gave the sisters money and they had children with them. This was prostitution.


In this place I saw pastors and these pastors were severely tortured. Demons put something that looked like a Bible on their chests. It was not a real Bible, but a metal Bible heated at high temperatures that they pressed on their chests. Demons told these leaders who came here because of immorality, “You knew the Bible very well. Show us your knowledge.”


This concrete bed of fire was a bed of prostitution, I could not see its beginning and its end and they were countless souls that were trapped in this concrete bed of fire. We finally flew over the concrete bed of fire.


Then I saw a river of lava and beneath the river of lava, I saw countless souls that were held captives and chains. They were down beneath the river of lava




Above the river of fire, I saw TV sets, phones, tablets and all kinds of electronic apparatus.


The Lord said, “These souls were attached to pornographic movies. They were watching pornography on TVs, phones, tablets and all these electronic devices, which were shouting “Justice” above the river.”


These apparatus were condemning them. These phones that they were using may have broken down, but in hell, they will shout justice for they are the ones who have stained these devices.


I saw TVs and phones floating and claiming justice. The more these apparatus were claiming justice, the more these huge chains were binding these souls that were dammed. I saw that these chains were rising higher to the surface.


The Lord said, “These chains were rising to Earth. When those who watch pornography die in their sin, this chain would bind them on the neck pulling them beneath the sea of lava.”


Brother, I always feel pain when people in funerals say to their deceased loved one, “Rest in peace,” for many are not going to the place of peace and rest.


When the rich man died, the Bible says his soul went to the place of torment and the majority of the dead are going to the place of torment, but people keep saying, “May your soul rest in peace.”


I saw people confessing and demanding mercy in the place of torment, but it was too late for them. They were millions of souls in the lava and in chains because of pornography. They were stuck in the depth of lava. They could not even float above the sea.


They were deep down and we descended, I saw that these chains were bigger than humans. These chains were suffocating them tightly.




I saw a place that was a huge pit and inside that pit, there were people and they were in the flames.

They were like dizzy, running in all directions, seeking escape from the fire and they were crying.


I saw that these people were holding their private parts. Actually, I saw that snakes were coming out of their private parts. These snakes were moving all over their bodies entering their eyes moving to the belly and coming out in their sexual part. I saw all kinds of demons above the pit and they were mocking and laughing at these lost souls.


Jesus said, “These are women who had sex with women. They are lesbians. These men here are the ones that were in sodomy and homosexuality. Their fingers and sex organs were replaced with snakes.”


Among these people, I saw a national politician. This politician was entering in a homosexual relationship with men that were working in his cabinet. In order to work in his government department, they must accept to sleep with him. I saw that his genital organ has turned to a snake that was biting him.


I saw another politician who was killed by the president. He was an opponent and he was hanged and executed because he opposed the dictatorial regime of the late President Mobutu but he was also in homosexuality when he died in that political execution.


To my surprise, brother, I saw the former President Mobutu himself in this place of lesbians and homosexuals. Our late President Mobutu was a man who behaved like a king in the country. This man caused chaos in the country. He liked glory and authority because he thought he was a god. I saw that the former president was tormented by men who were here.


These men said to him, “You are the one who brought us here and we are lost because of you.”


I saw that these men were biting the late president in his genital part, accusing him of being the cause of their torment.


I said, “Lord, even our president is in this place of homosexuals and lesbians.”


The Lord said, “This was the lifestyle he chose when he was on the earth. He was sleeping with women and men. All the men he slept with are here.”


They were assembled before him and they were accusing him and they were biting his private part.


I saw that in hell that was what is called the place of entertainment. Brother, if you had killed a man and caused a woman to fall in hell, you will be brought to the place of entertainment so that the people you brought to hell can torture you. Anyone who came to hell because of you will torture you in hell because you are the reason for which he fell in hell.




Then we left the place of lesbians and homosexuals. As we were moving. I saw a huge pit with countless babies. They were crying and saying, “Mommy, why did you stop my life? Why did you not allow me to live? Oh Lord, may justice be done.”


I saw that there was no fire here. I was stunned to see so many babies in hell. This is really horrendous.


The Lord said, “These are aborted children. When their parents die, they will receive their justice.” I said, “Lord, but there are countries that authorize abortions.”

The Lord said, “The devil knows that it would not be easy to convince the majority to accept abortion. That is why he has entered the political system to make it a law and they legalized sin that is supposed to lead people to hell.”


Then I saw a woman who was burning in the fire.


She said, “Lord have mercy. Get me out of here.”


She said to Jesus, “My husband was working in a good place. Then he lost his job and we began to suffer poverty. One day he said to me, ‘Darling, since we are in financial difficulty, we should not have more children. We have to prevent unwanted pregnancy for we will not be able to finance their studies.’ Not long after that decision, I got pregnant by accident and he got angry. He forced me to abort the pregnancy. I went on to abort and everything went well. However, many months later, I got pregnant again for the second time and I aborted. It is when I got pregnant for the fourth time that I got into trouble and I died during the abortion process. I died because of his decision. He forced me. He is left in the world with the children but I am dead and I am suffering because of his decision.”


The Lord said, “No one is responsible for someone else’s action.” The Lord said, “Who are these babies that are tormenting you?”


She said, “These are the four babies I aborted in the world.”


[The real aborted babies go to heaven to be with Jesus. The aborted babies in hell are projections of the condemned conscience to torment such women eternally for committing those abortions.]




I saw that all these women that have aborted, their wombs were rotting. When I was watching them, I saw above us a huge condom with sperm that was rotten and have become acid. And inside these condoms were men who were using condoms to prevent pregnancies. They were killing children because of condoms and they were burned by this acid inside the condoms that were shouting “Justice!”


Then I saw a man inside this condom. He had agreed with his wife to leave a space of two years between children and he was using condoms in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. He fell to hell because he wasted his sperm by using condoms since he did not know how to calculate the menstrual period in time.


This chamber of hell was massive and there were those who had sex before marriage, those who had sex in their dreams, those who had sex in their minds and thoughts, those who had sex with their eyes and those who were in prostitution. There were those who aborted. I saw those who fell in this chamber because they were using condoms to prevent pregnancy.


Then the Lord said, “It is almost dawn on the earth. We have to leave this chamber.”


As we were leaving this chamber of sexual sins, I saw a man that was dragged inside this chamber by demons.


He kept saying, “Release me. Leave me alone.”


I saw that his genital organ was disproportionate and it was rotting and there were worms coming out.


I said, “Lord, what is wrong with this man?”


The Lord said, “He is in the habit of introducing his finger in the genital organ of little girls and this is his punishment.”


Then we left the chamber of sexual sin and when I woke up, I saw that it was 7 am.

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