The Nature Of Woman And Relationship With Money

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The Nature Of Woman And Relationship With Money

Woman And Money

There is a saying that the easiest way to wins the heart of a woman is
lavishing her with money and gifts. There has been questions , why do
women often love money but i believe this post will educate the women
the reason they ought to desist from pursue of money. And rather
concentrate in building a happy marital home and relying unto their
husband for survival.

Women were never instructed to pursue or die for the sake of money. That
curse was placed upon man but unfortunately, they deliberately want to
incur a terrible curse upon their life. The zeal of a woman in pursue of
money is the beginning of sorrow because the forces behind money is
beyond their comprehend. Whenever a man encounter financially failure or
disappointment; he always knew how to motivates and encourage himself.

Hence, whenever woman encounter sudden disappointment in her quest of
pursuing money. They can't control their emotion because the grace was
not given to them. Unfortunately, today many marriages have crashed
because of the peanut the wife is making from her petty business. And
today the husband has becomes a house maid.

Whenever the spirit of money enters any woman, it would be better if she
is never born because she can go any length to ensures she meet her
target. A woman heart is very flexible and can't retain much pressure in

That is reason why whenever any issue prompt in the family, you will
behold the man pacing around the sitting room and kept gazing at the
ceiling or roof while the woman will be seen outside, running halter and
skater in search of solution.

She doesn't believe in "Tomorrow Will Be Better” No! She always believes in "Action" because the grace of patient and self-control was not given to her.


A man is a faith-filled creature; everyday might be his last yet he
still tells his family he would be back in the evening. He knew he isn't
going to last for eternity, yet he lives and work as if he is going to
live forever. He is happy knowing the next minute he might be sorrowful
or sad, but only reacts to what he presently feels and that is what
makes him a man.

Therefore as a woman i would advised you tame your zeal in pursue of
money because the relationship between a woman and money is mysterious
and moreover as a single lady or married your spiritual virginity is at
stakes. And if you are not careful you will find it terribly hard to
control and manage your marital home because money is the roots of all

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