The Church Is Not A Better Place And You Have To Make It Better

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The Church Is Not A Better Place And You Have To Make It Better

There Is No Best And Perfect Church
What is church? The church is assembling or collective of Christian. It is the body of Christ while Christ is the head of the church. Across the ocean, stream and valley; across the nations, continent, worlds, state, communities, villages and streets we are in one body of Christ. We are never separated; we are unified in one heavenly language and one doctrine of Holiness, truth and righteousness.

We are not haters and back-biters; we are called Love because our father is Love. We are the first born of Christ because we are possessor of the kingdom of God. We are never afraid of death because our master has already conquer death and given us assurance of Resurrection.
We are not of the world, although we are in the world but never of the world. We are fearful believers in Christ and not religious worldly system followers. We are called brethren because we are of one stock in body of Christ. We work together as brethren in order to keep the body of Christ healthy by caring for one another.
1 Peter 2:9-10 "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy"

the death and resurrection of Christ
Our master and only precious savior; Jesus Christ, didn't come to the world for the saints and righteous believers but rather he came for us. He came to show us the true light and path of righteousness. We are horrible sinners and wicked brethren in the past. Our lives were filled with horrible, wickedness and sinfulness due to the fallen of our first parent in the Garden of Eden.
Thereafter, God pronounce his judgment upon us, which is Death because we are an offspring of that fallen; and we are not worthy to call his name because we have come short of his Glory. However, the only Begotten Son of God came to restored us back to his father by calling us THE CHURCH.
Which he sounded many thousands years ago that he is coming to rapture a ready and prepared church for heavenly glory and banquet of the last super. John 14:1-4 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know”

Revelation 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Ephesians 5:27 "That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish”

the word of word transforms life
Nevertheless, we are never a Better Person but we only come to the synagogue to get better and renew our inner life through his word as it was written; Psalm 119:17 "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple”

Majority of us came to the church (synagogue) due to one problem or others; some came for healing and miracle, money, marital and educational breakthrough, thereafter arrested by the Holy Ghost and decided to seek repentance and after Heavenly Glory.

Some also came due to poverty, spiritual attacks, failure and curse. However; some are also in church (house of assembly) because they want to repent and seek after the salvation of their soul; after exhibiting a dangerous and former atrocious lifestyle in deceit, prostitution, theft, lies, murder, abortion, arm-robbing, witchcraft and occultism etc.
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Hence, they came to the church in order to be perfected because they are not better but trying to become one. The church was never a better place because YOU and I where called the church; hence we are never a better person neither a righteous person from the foundation of the world.
the sinners come to the church for repentance
Yet we only come to the synagogue (house of assembly) to hear the words of God that built faith in-order to become a better person for the kingdom service; as it was written; Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"
The Synagogue is where we are nurture, broken, sanctified and perfected for heavenly glory. Those brethren you see in your church are there not because they wanted to be there, but they are there in order to be a BETTER PERSON.
You don’t need to tie yourself in one spot of synagogue (Church) when that change is not coming forth; just in the name of going to church. You ought to seek for a divine place of worship, to hear the word of God in order to become a better church. No name of any church in Heaven but it very unfortunate that today we have many counterfeit churches.

The Top Ten Unfortunate Churches.

  1. It Doesn’t Matter International Church.
  2. Come As You Are Ministries.
  3.  We Are No Longer Under The Law Christian Church.
  4. Judge Not Mission.
  5. Dress As You Like International Gospel Mission.
  6. Ones Saves Is Forever Saved Mission.
  7. Merciful God Don’t Send People To Hell International Ministries.
  8. God Only Looks At The Heart Chapel.
  9. Liquid Fire And Miracle Center.
  10. Candle And Bottle Water Mission.
 THE TOP TEN UNFORTUNATE and fake and sinking  CHURCHES.

You have seen all the evidence that there was never a perfect or best church because all the names of churches we see today were never recorded in the scriptures. There was never name of any church in the bible; rather they were only called "The Church Of Christ In One Fold And One Shepherd"
I am the church and also redeem by the blood of the lamb. I was never a better person; my former life was so horrible, pathetic and sinful. I was so much engross into stealing, lies, hate, gambling, worldly movies, pornography, masturbation, abusive, lustfulness, fighting, quarrel and maliciousness.
To God’s Glory, Today the Lord has crucified my flesh. He is currently working in me in order to make me become a better person and be perfected for rapture and Heavenly glory. Hallelujah! Heavenly race is a gradual process and steps which ought to be taken very serious because when you fall; you start again from crash, only when grace is available but if not; you will surely have yourself to blame in Hell.
Heavenly race is a gradual process and steps
However, don’t be church goers but rather be a church changer. Be a change person in Repentance And Character. Although, we are never a BETTER PERSON but shall we continue to remain in our evil and wickedness without making any effort to change in our mindset and expect the grace of God to abide?
We are under the grace doesn’t gives us the courage to abuse the grace of God even while hearing his words daily in the church. You have seen the Top-10 unfortunate churches we have today, serving God under the anger of God.
We are in the church to seek after one precious goal which the early Apostles seek and even lay their life for the course. The precious goal of an ETERNAL LIFE as it was written; Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"
So, My dear friend; right now I don’t know what you are currently and zealously seeking in the church. I don’t care to know the name of the Church you laid your tent upon or whatever name of church you are parading with but I have this to say…!
If you have been in a church for years and your pastor or shepherd is not hurting you with his messages, if he is not scorning you with Holy Fire doctrine, if he is not emphasizing much about Heaven and Hell, if he is not emphasizing much about God’s judgment, if he isn’t emphasizing much about salvation of your soul.
If he isn’t repeating or mentioning each sin by their names and it not continual echoing in your ear every day, then you must actually be among the Top-10 unfortunate churches. If messages are not pricking your heart; then be assure that your church-name has becomes another cemetery The Bible said on that day Peter spoke and the thing prick them and they shouted “What Shall We Do?
Acts 2:37 "Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Lastly, probably you are among those who still parade in names of churches, carrying church names in your head for years but still no single change of positive character; you are also among the Top-10 unfortunate churches.
In this kingdom service you need to change in character because good character is sustainable. Don’t forget, there is never a better church. You are not a better person and that’s reason why you go to the synagogue (house of assembly) for God to work on you, in order to become a change person in character and be perfected for rapture.
Therefore, if your church can’t change you, please change your church and be a better person because eternity race is not noise-making but by rather by godly wisdom, understanding and without this principle kiss your salvation bye-bye.

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